Saturday, July 17, 2010


I've been having a bit of a creative block on this comic strip mission... so I decided to show what that looks like.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Alright guys- Im gonna brag because I can.... Up was fantastic, you should all see it and invite all your friends.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Are you as excited as I am for PIXAR to arrive in VANCOUVER! Well, Im pretty gosh-darn-tootin' excited. Where are my guns? I need to fire them in the air!

Thought I would change up the wall post on this blog so we can make the transition to non-job posts.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Hey guys, so I decided to check out what the prices were with the new intuos 4s. I'm specifically looking at the medium ones right now (6 x 9) and Futureshop has them listed for $549.99 CND and I'm guessing that's how they'll be priced at most commercial locations.

So, I talked to the guy from Memory Express in Calgary and we can get the medium intuos 4s through special order for $469.99 CND, but the price depends on the economy cause they'll change the price in accordance to CND versus the USD.

Hit me back with what you guys think? Cause we'll have to put in an order as soon as we can so that I can pick them up and bring them back in the next few weeks??

Thursday, April 16, 2009

oh- guys. we need to do that peer evalution

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Are you guys ok?

Final stretch guys, yeah!!!!



Tuesday, April 14, 2009

princess in action

okay guys- Im trying to figure out the alpha channel thing from after effects to photoshop (I did render it out as a photoshop sequence with alpha but it didn't seem to do anything? any help?) but here is the princess without bg and singing sam

IT ALSO INCLUDES MUSIC oh boy. oh boy.